Shia LaBeouf Says Megan Fox Uncomfortable With Sex Symbol Status in ‘Transformers’!

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Who knew one of the hottest ladies in Hollywood, Megan Fox was so uncomfortable with being sexy. She oozes sexy, but Megan and Transformers’ director, Michael Bay would continuously bump head according to Shia LaBeouf!

According to LaTimes,

“Megan developed this Spice Girl strength, this woman-empowerment [stuff] that made her feel awkward about her involvement with Michael, who some people think is a very lascivious filmmaker, the way he films women,” LaBeouf said. “Mike films women in a way that appeals to a 16-year-old sexuality. It’s summer. It’s Michael’s style. And I think [Fox] never got comfortable with it. This is a girl who was taken from complete obscurity and placed in a sex-driven role in front of the whole world and told she was the sexiest woman in America. And she had a hard time accepting it. When Mike would ask her to do specific things, there was no time for fluffy talk. We’re on the run. And the one thing Mike lacks is tact. There’s no time for [LaBeouf assumes a gentle voice] ‘I would like you to just arch your back 70 degrees.’”

On the other hand, Victoria’s Secret mode,l Rosie Huntington-Whiteley fit right in.

“Rosie comes with this Victoria’s Secret background, and she’s comfortable with it, so she can get down with Mike’s way of working and it makes the whole set vibe very different,” LaBeouf said.

It’s not just the set environment that changed when Huntington-Whiteley arrived, LaBeouf said, but the relationship between his character, Sam Witwicky, and his lady. In “Dark of the Moon,” a Cybertronian spacecraft has been discovered on the moon and the alien robots are stirring. Sam, who fought beside the good-guy Autobots in two wars with the Decepticons, has graduated from college, only to face a breakup with Mikaela and an economy with 10% unemployment.

“Sam’s sort of frustrated,” LaBeouf said. “He has no purpose in life. When he was with the Autobots, he had purpose. He was needed. But he’s got this very supportive girl [Huntington-Whitley’s Carly Miller] who’s having him go to these job interviews and trying to nurture him, get him back on his feet. It’s a different female energy than he experienced with Mikaela, who was a very cold biker chick. This woman’s more of a maternal, loving type. Sam wants a domestic, eggs-in-the-morning kind of a thing.”

Photo from PR Photos

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