Charlie Sheen Back On HIV Meds!

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Charlie Sheen

Just yesterday we learned that Charlie Sheen was off his HIV medications and on an alternative regimen  from Mexico he told Dr. Oz on his show. But as his T-cells began to rise again and HIV was once again detected in his blood he decided to go back on his meds his Sheen’s manager Mark Burg told People.  “Charlie is back on his meds. He tried a cure from a doctor in Mexico but the minute the numbers went up, he started taking his medicine.” 

On the episode filmed in early December, Sheen tells Dr.Oz, “I’m a little off my game because right before I walked out here, I got some results I was disappointed about. I had been non-detectable, non-detectable and checking the blood every week and then found out the numbers are back up.” Charlie had reached out to Mexican doctor, Dr. Sam Chachoua, not licensed in the U.S. who is reportedly working on an HIV vaccine.

Wow I can understand trying something different, not everyone wants to be bogged down with what I think its at least several pills a day, but if its working for you for now stick with it!

Photo from PR Photos

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