Charlie Sheen Released From Hospital…Will Return to Work on Tuesday!

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Charlie Sheen is a bundle of problems…just a bundle! After going to the hospital with abdominal pains (due to a  hernia) he has been released and will head back to work (Two and a Half Men) on Tuedsay.

Sources say Charlie has a hernia, do you believe that?

Charlie Sheen suffered a hiatal hernia in his stomach — not an overdose — and it may have triggered the 911 call that landed Charlie in the hospital.

Sources tell us the hernia is located in Charlie’s stomach. The condition causes acid and food to back up into the esophagus … and we’re told it causes “horrible, horrendous pain.”

Charlie will spend the night at the hospital.

We’re told Charlie has had a hiatal hernia for years.

Or was it a drugs binge

We’re told Sheen had several people inside his home during the 36-hour span that started Tuesday night — including 2 porn stars, a business associate, and several other women.

After hours of drinking, we’re told a person showed up to the house with a designer “briefcase” — that contained multiple “bricks” of cocaine.

We’re told Sheen immediately began doing the drug for several hours.

Sheen was eventually hospitalized early Thursday morning for “severe abdominal pain.”

Photo from PR Photos

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