Ivanka Trump Shuts Down Cosmo Interview

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Ivanka Trump recently shut down an interview with Cosmopolitan Magazine after it turned a little too real for her. Ivanka, Donald Trump’s favorite kid went to bat for her father on the recent plan for Women in the workforce and paid maternity leave, but the conversation quickly turned whens he was questioned about Donald’s stance on paternity leave as well as same sex relationships with children. 

Ivanka abruptly quit the interview after the reporter asked— 

Cosmo:”In 2004, Donald Trump said that pregnancy is an inconvenient thing for a business. It’s surprising to see this policy from him today. Can you talk a little bit about those comments, and perhaps what has changed?”

To which Ivanka replied, “So I think that you have a lot of negativity in these questions, and I think my father has put forth a very comprehensive and really revolutionary plan to deal with a lot of issues. So I don’t know how useful it is to spend too much time with you on this if you’re going to make a comment like that. My father obviously has a track record of decades of employing women at every level of his company, and supporting women, and supporting them in their professional capacity, and enabling them to thrive outside of the office and within. To imply otherwise is an unfair characterization of his track record and his support of professional women. So the policies at our company reflect that, and the diversity of our workforce, from a gender perspective, and in all perspectives, reflects that. So my father has been a great advocate for the women in the workforce, and that’s part of why he recognized that reform is so necessary.”

Cosmo: I would like to say that I’m sorry the questions — you’re finding them negative, but it is relevant that a presidential candidate made those comments, so I’m just following up.
Well, you said he made those comments. I don’t know that he said those comments.

Cosmo: This is quoted from an NBC [interview] from 2004. I definitely did not make that up. I do want to talk to you a little bit beyond the plan, as well—
I think what I was — there’s plenty of time for you to editorialize around this, but I think he put forth a really incredible plan that has pushed the boundaries of what anyone else is talking about. On child care specifically, there are no proposals on the table. He really took ownership of this issue, and I really applaud him for doing that. I hope that, regardless of what your political viewpoint is, this should be celebrated.

Cosmo: I want to talk about how this will be paid for. I know that Donald Trump wants to have an increase in defense spending, also is promising tax cuts, [wants to raise] infrastructure spending, and wants to build a wall [at the Mexican border]. How will this plan be paid for?
Well, he’s going to unveil his total tax-reform plan on Thursday, and this is a component of that, so it will be included in his overall budget and economic vision. So it is accounted for, it is paid for under this plan, and it is budget-neutral. In terms of the paid leave component, that’s self-financing through reforms in existing unemployment insurance. So the child care component of the plan, and the dependent care component of the plan, will be presented as part of the larger tax reform that he’s going to be presenting on Thursday in a speech here in New York. And the paid leave component is self-financing through the reforms I just mentioned. I’m going to jump off, I have to run. I apologize.

You can check out the entire exchange over at Cosmo.

Sorry but as much as I like Ivanka she will not be Trump’s savor for the woman vote.

Photo from PR Photos



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