Jenna Jameson Slams Ex-Tito Ortiz For Takings Kids From Her Custody!

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Jenna Jameson is fuming mad at ex-Tito Ortiz after he was granted primary custody of their children earlier this month according to E!News. Jenna thrashed Tito on Twitter, “My ex took my poor children away from me for NO reason. He did drugs and faked drug tests for UFC. I all my time with my babies, he partied. And I have proof! You didn’t even show your face while the boys grew, now you want to beat me up????”

Jenna continued for multiple tweets, “If you don’t like what I’m saying, sue me for my home your living in, sue me for furniture YOU have, sue me for my Phantom! Keep up your lies. I will start posting pics of Tito and his drug use. Lets talk the truth!!!!!! My children need their mother not a random drug adddict. Soon the story of how he almost killed me in February will be public. What man takes the kids away from a good mother? Our kids will question you when they are old enough….. I watch them cry mon stop when they have to leave me. I’ve been bullied long enough. I only want my kids. Funny how he can say a pack of lies…… And try to take my babies, who I took care of from birth. Now he’s upset. Whenever I feel abandoned, I push harder. I will not allow lies.  I’m so amazed that so many people don’t understand what this man is capable of.

The funniest part about him acting as if he’s a great guy is I have PROOF. He can say whatever he wants, but I know the truth. He beat me, and never was a father, bullied me, then disallowed my poor babies. Alright I wanted to tell the truth about him , if you choose not to believe it it cool.

Seems someone is bullshitting his way through life….I laugh at the fake ass drama he is creating. I watched his crazy drug use and have proof.

Jenna did add some photos of prescription pills and needles claiming Tito is a drug addict, but Tito denies all her claims to TMZ, “The unfortunate allegations being made against me are simply not true.I would never do anything to jeopardize my family. Being a great father and protecting the well-being of my children remains my top priority.I thank my family, friends, and fans for their kind words of support at this time. For my children’s sake, I appreciate you respecting our privacy.”

Photo from PR Photos

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