Kim Kardashian Says Fertility Struggles Took ‘the Fun Out of’ Trying to Conceive

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Kim Kardashian may be pregnant now but her fertility issues took ‘the fun out of’ trying to conceive she says in a new interview with C Magazine. “It was over a year of trying, and I had so many complications. I had this condition called placenta accreta. There were a couple of little operations to fix all that, so that created a little hole in my uterus, which I think made it really tough to get pregnant again. It was a long road. I would go to the doctor in Beverly Hills every day at five in the morning to get tested to see if I was ovulating. I was trying everything: I did acupuncture and got a nutritionist to eat healthier, thinking that was an issue.”

Kim added that always being on ovulation alert took the fun out of conceiving, “Yes, it takes the fun out of it. I’m like, ‘I’m ovulating, get home now!’ He’d be like, ‘Wait, I’m in the studio.'”

And Kim may not be able to carry another child after this pregnancy, “Well, they think I’ll have placenta accreta again, so if the placenta grows a little bit deeper than it did last time, then they are prepared to have my uterus removed, which is a little scary for me. I think we’re just gonna go day by day, see how overwhelming it is, and see how the delivery goes.”

Photo from PR Photos


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