Lindsay Lohan Handcuffed, Back To Jail! What’s Next For Lindsay?

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Lindsay sure loves trouble and the Judge was not trying to hear anything about her missing too many community service appointments and and Lindsay was taken back into custody with bail set at $100,000!

According to People,

Lindsay Lohan may be headed to jail yet again after a judge revoked her probation on Wednesday for missing too many community service appointments.

Lohan was handcuffed in a Los Angeles court and taken away by sheriff’s deputies following a half-hour hearing. Bail was set at $100,000.

Unless she posts bail, Lohan will be held until a Nov. 2 hearing to formally determine whether she violated probation.

Judge Stephanie Sautner said Lohan “blew off” nine scheduled appointments at the Downtown Women’s Center, where the actress had been ordered to complete 360 hours for her necklace theft case. Because of the no-shows, Lohan had been kicked out of the program.

The actress’s attorney Shawn Holley argued it was premature to find Lohan in violation, saying the missed appointments were due to work commitments abroad.

Holley also pointed out that Lohan received a “glowing” report from her psychiatrist. “The report says Ms. Lohan has reached a turning point in her accountability and maturity,” Holley argued in court.

The judge retorted: “Failing to show up nine times [to the shelter] is reaching a turning point in her maturity?”

Lohan also has yet to begin janitorial duty at the L.A. County morgue, where she was previously ordered to complete 120 hours.

Lohan, who wore a sleeveless white blouse and her hair in a ponytail, looked calm as she was led away.

If she’s found in violation at the Nov. 2 hearing, Lohan could face a new jail sentence, but whether that amounts to hard time remains to be seen because of severe overcrowding issues at Lynwood Jail.

Lohan is currently on probation for three years and was sentenced to community service after she pleaded no contest to misdemeanor theft. The actress had been ordered to complete all her community service hours by the year’s end.

Of course Lindsay made bail and will have to appear in court on November 2, but Lindsay could face jail time! Lindsay has to complete 16 hours at the morgue before her next court date! Lindsay will have to clean autopsy tables, sweep floors, clean toilets, washing windows and pick up trash according to TMZ.

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