Lindsay Lohan Lied When Confronted About Stolen Necklace!

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Lindsay Lohan allegedly lied about being in the store, Kamofie & Company where the necklace was stolen from. But let’s look at it this way…If I didn’t steal a necklace then why would I lie about being in the store…hmmmm? Lindsay denied being in the store until she found out she was on a surveillance camera.

In the moments after broke the world exclusive news that the LAPD had obtained a search warrant to look for a stolen necklace in Lindsay Lohan’s house, the actress turned to a close adviser and claimed she had never been in the jewelry store which reported the theft.

Lindsay’s big lie fell eventually fell apart as more and more information was released, but it still shocked those close to her.

Now, she’s facing felony grand theft charges, which could lead to her probation from her prior DUI case being revoked. The theft charges are expected to be filed this week, possibly as early as Monday.

“Lindsay read Radar’s story about the necklace and freaked out,” a source close to the Mean Girls star told “She couldn’t believe that cops had obtained a search warrant for her house.

“She told advisers close to her that she was never in Kamofie & Company, the jewelry store that she allegedly stole the necklace from. When it was pointed out to Lindsay that there was surveillance video of her in the store, the denials stopped.”

People close to Lindsay say she has major issues telling the truth, the source told “People in Lindsay’s inner circle say she lies all of the time. Some people believe one of the reasons she does is because Lindsay is trying to be a people pleaser.”

Lindsay just needs to lay low for a little while!!

Photo from PR Photos

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