Miley Cyrus’ Friend Who Shot Bong Video is Being Threatened on Twitter!

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Poor girl, the girl who shot the video of Miley Cyrus hitting the bong is being threatened via Twitter and she has gone into hiding and canceled her Twitter account.

The girl who filmed Miley Cyrus hitting the bong has been getting threats since TMZ posted the video — and now we’ve learned, she’s gone into hiding.

Sources close to the situation tell TMZ the video was shot by one of Miley’s best buds — a girl named Anna Oliver — who has been getting threats from Miley fans via Twitter ever since the bongtroversy began.

Messages include:
— “What would you do if you met Anna Oliver? — Probably kick her teeth in”
— “Anna Oliver…..I HATE YOU”
— “We should find Anna Oliver and feed her to the lions!”
— “Dear Anna Oliver, I know you want to be a little fame whore, but you’re not good at it. We hate your guts. Love, EVERYONE.”

Anna eventually deactivated her Twitter account.

Plus if you saw the video there was a moment when she thought her boyfriend Liam had entered the room…well it was a lookalike…an actor Grey Damon from Friday Night Lights he does look like her BF, Liam.

Photo from PR Photos

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