Model Chrissy Teigen Questions Amanda Bynes’ “Support,” Amanda Calls Her Ugly!

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Chrissy Teigen Joins Campari at it's Annual Bartender Bash in New York City on May 19, 2013

Amanda Bynes will take on anyone and everyone questioning her sanity including model, Model Chrissy Teigen. When Chrissy tweeted, “The fact that Amanda Bynes has any “support” to retweet is really unsettling. Support people with mental illness, yes. But don’t condone/enable scary and poor behavior,” it did not go over well with Amanda and she retorted with, @chrissyteigen Ur not a pretty model compared to me. I signed to Ford models @ age 13. I don’t look up to u beauty wise. I’m far prettier than u! I’m offended that you’re saying I have a mental illness when I show no sign of it, but thankfully not one man that wants me wants you and you are an old ugly model compared to me! You look 45! You’re not pretty so I’m not intimidated by you! I think you’re jealous that you’re just an ugly model whos career is uninspiring! I don’t respect you! You’re no beauty queen! I’m a beauty queen!”

Obviously a people on Twitter retweeted the comments to Amanda…but Chrissy decided to no longer engage in the fight, “Nope. Not going to indulge. Wish the best for her, truly. Don’t, guys. Just don’t. I never ask anything of you guys but please. I don’t need defending and please stop writing her. It’s not funny, it’s sad.” Why does Amanda always go for looks in an argument?

In other news Amanda’s parents may think she has schizophrenia according to Radar. “Amanda has heard voices for years, and was concerned she was being spied on via smoke alarms, and clocks in her home. She would cover electronic items because Amanda believed that was the only way she wouldn’t be spied on. It’s extremely sad situation because Amanda just refuses to get help.”

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