Oprah Plans to Pay All The Taxes For Her Australian Audience Giveaway!No Car-Gate This Time

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Remember when Oprah gave away the cars on her show and they had that little tax backlash( people got the car for free but didn’t know they would have to pay taxes on it)…well that’s not going to happen this time Oprah will pay for all the taxes for the Australian giveaway that she gifted her audience! Sounds great to me!

According to TMZ,

Oprah Winfrey doesn’t want her all-expenses-paid Australian giveaway to turn into the tax trap that soured her “Everybody gets a car!” show … in fact, O is making sure none of her new “guests” pay an extra cent to the IRS.

TMZ spoke with Larry Edema from Michigan — who was selected to be in the audience on Monday for Oprah’s big giveaway — and dude tells us Winfrey had a certified public accountant on hand to address the tax issue right after the taping.

Edema says the CPA informed the group that all taxes associated with the trip would be “handled by the Oprah show,” so the trip would truly be 100% free.

The CPA also explained that O would cover all sightseeing costs and travel-related expenses — including passport costs for people who can’t afford them.

It’s a big change from Oprah’s 2004 controversy — when she famously gave away brand new cars, but saddled audience members with as much as $7,000 in gift taxes.

Not pictured above — Oprah’s halo.

Photo from Oprah

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