Tyra Banks Transforms Into Models Cara Delevingne, Cindy Crawford

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Tyra as Cara

Tyra Banks transformed into models Cara Delevingne, Cindy Crawford and Kate Moss. Tyra posted the amazing photos on Instagram, “So U know when U R gonna announce an OMG-that-is-so-COOL PhotoProject 2day U’VE been working on 4 a year that’ll BlowPeople’sMinds”…”4 hours of hair & makeup later, I’ve become übermodel @Caradelevingne! Fierce & love to #LA & #London. #NYFW #Tyra15. Hid my booty & boobies like a pro, for a pro – all to look & pose just like #SuperModel Kate Moss! #NYFW #Tyra15. It was amazing to be physically transformed into my idol, Cindy Crawford… #Fierce mole, hair & all! #NYFW #Tyra15.”

Tyra as Cindy-Kate

I love Cara’s photo the best!

Photos from Instagram

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