William & Kate Settle Back Into Normal Life!

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Prince William and Kata have had a whirlwind of event since getting maiired in April and now they are getting back to their normal life. William want to complete his flying hours and spend newlywed time with Kate!

According to the Daily Mail,

‘The Duke is going for his flying captaincy which he hopes to get in early 2012. He needs to keep up his flying hours and there are some exams to get through, a lot of work needs to done and he has to dedicate himself to that,’ they said.

‘The second reason for taking a step back is more personal. They have not really lived together since their wedding and want to spend time together.

‘Since they got married they were on honeymoon and then in London for most of June for family events and the like and want to go back and have a married life together under the radar. They just want to enjoy their life in Anglesey and keeping things chilled.’

Kate even spoke to a military wife and expressed that she missed William when he went away….aww….

‘I don’t know how you manage,’ Kate said, blushing slightly. ‘I miss William so much when he goes away. He went once for four weeks and I missed him so much.’

Photo from PR Photos

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