Jenny McCarthy Excited To Be ‘Myself, Outrageous But Fun” In New VH1Talk Show!

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Jenny McCarthy’s coming back to TV…this time she will be hosting a Friday night (10:30pm) VH1 talk show. McCarthy talked out her new late night venture after her failed attempt at a daytime talk show with Oprah, “I realized I was definitely into late night more than daytime at this point in my life.I probably always was. I was really excited when VH-1 told me I could be myself, outrageous but fun.” McCarthy explains she would have loved a daytime show but “while I consider myself to be a mother warrior, BFF, naughty girlfriend, I can’t pigeonhole myself as being a good girl.” McCarthy plans to have a more spontaneous show format and will not have pre-interviews for her guests. As for her guests, “I hope to get something different out of the A-listers.”Via Deadline

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