Kendall Jenner Reveals Hospitalization For Exhaustion!

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Kendall Jenner

Kendall Jenner revealed on her mobile app that she was once hospitalized for exhaustion, calling the incident a ‘wake up call.’ “I just got so tired from work and life and everything that it freaked me out at the end of this year. I actually had to go to the hospital because I was so exhausted – it was definitely a wake up call that I need to take better care of myself.”

So what are Kendall’s New Year’s resolution?”I’m not big on New Year’s resolutions. I don’t write a list down or anything, it’s definitely more of an in-my-head kind of thing. I set random goals like ‘find a boyfriend’ but it’s not legit at all, lol. So, I guess my resolution would be to chill out more and have the ability to be a little more spontaneous. I want to enjoy being home a little bit more. No matter what, 2016 is going to be the best yet. I can feel it!” And I guess that boyfriend wish may come true…she was just spotted on vacay with Harry Styles. YES HARRY STYLES! We don’t know if its just as friends but hey its a start!  Kendall caught wind of  the vacay pics and tweeted, “Enough with the rumors! I’m single, people.”

Photo from PR Photos

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