Kylie Jenner Says She ‘Started Wigs’ and The Internet Was Not Having It!

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The internet nearly exploded yesterday when Marie Claire dropped this gem of a quote from Kylie Jenner—she reportedly told the mag, “I started wigs, and now everyone is wearing wigs. Kim just used my wig guy last night. … I just do whatever I want to do, and people will follow.” Well that was a huge mistake to say…since she isn’t the first person to WEAR A WIG! Now maybe she meant among her inner circle, but the damage was done and she was forced to address the controversy…on Twitter, “When publications switch up your words for hype.. Damn.”

A few twitter gems:
Alert George Washington: Kylie Jenner says she ‘started wigs’

The only way @KylieJenner started wigs would be if she mastered time travel. And that’s a pretty hard argument to make.

Marie Antoinette was literally carried to the guillotine in a wig so wyd @KylieJenner

A photo posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on


A photo posted by King Kylie (@kyliejenner) on

Photo from PR Photos

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