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Leona Lewis says the Rihanna hit, “We Found Love” was originally made for her and she recorded but but it eventually went to Rihanna, but she claims her version is better. That’s kinda cocky! Lewis told the Daily Star, “I worked with Calvin and we recorded We Found Love. But he went touring with Rihanna and she ended up releasing it.I didn’t commit to it because I wanted Trouble to be my first single so I think that was another reason they went with Rihanna. It was the same version and production but mine’s better. I still have the recording but I’d never leak it. That’s so unprofessional.There are so many songs I’ve recorded, only to hear other people singing them. It happens all the time.It was a bit annoying to see how big a hit it was around the world but if I’d released it maybe it wouldn’t have done as well.”
I love Leona, but she is being a little arrogant about the song, she should leak her version and we will be the judge of who is better!
Photo from PR Photos