Madonna Suffered ‘Whiplash’ After Brit Awards Fall

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Madonna may have looked like the model of professionalism when she took a fall at the Brit Awards and kept right on performing, but the queen of pop does reveal that she suffered an injury from her fall.

“I didn’t hurt my butt, I hurt my head,” Madonna said during an interview with The Jonathan Ross Show in Britain.”I know how to fall. I’ve fallen off my horse many times, and I tucked, and I have good core strength … but the thing is, I had a little bit of a whiplash, and I smacked the back of my head. So, there was a man standing over me with a flashlight until about 3 a.m. making sure that I was still compos mentis.”

Madonna explained that she rehearsing like mad so the mistake makes her a little upset. “It was a horrible nightmare, because I like to be amazing. Seriously, I rehearse and I rehearse and I rehearse, so that when I do the show it’s effortless and I create magic, and I did the opposite. I actually created a horror show for everyone.”

Photo from PR Photos

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