Former Schwarzenegger Housekeeper says Arnold Was Just a ‘Flirt’, Nothing More!

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A former Schwarzenegger housekeep is now coming forward saying that Arnold was always a flirt, but that was it! He never touched her or was inappropriate with her, so she thinks that Mildred Baena was the aggressor!

Arnold Schwarzenegger was strictly a one household staffer type of guy — this according to a former nanny who claims the governator had a wandering eye, but never got physical with her or any other female staffer.

The nanny — who worked with Arnold and Maria Shriver during the Mildred “Patty” Baena years — tells TMZ Arnold “was a flirt, but he never touched me inappropriately, or anyone else that I could tell.”

The former staffer believes Patty must have aggressively pursued Arnold since — as far as she could tell — he was “respectful” of all the other female staffers.

The woman says many employees realized the resemblance between Patty’s young son and Arnold — but says Patty would only admit her husband was not the daddy.

BTW, by all counts … the ex-nanny was more, umm … attractive than Patty back in the day. Whatever that’s worth.

On a side note, Patrick Schwarzenegger has moved into an apartment with roommates. He had been living in the family’s 23 million mansion in Brentwood according to x17online.

Photo from PR Photos

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