Taraji P. Henson Apologizes To Police After Saying Son Was Racially Profiled!

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Taraji P. Henson may have overreacting to a recent incident involving her son, Marcell, 20. Taraji recently spoke with Uptown Magazine regarding a incident in which her son was pulled over by police in which she believed was due to racial profiling (she also said he was profiled while walking on his college campus in).

“My child has been racially profiled. He was in Glendale, California, and did exactly everything the cops told him to do, including letting them illegally search his car. It was bogus because they didn’t give him the ticket for what he was pulled over for.” She later said she decided to transfer her son to another school.

Well yesterday she had to apologize for overreacting. It seems like police reviewed the incident and released the video showing there was no profiling in the incident and the officer seemed very nice about the situation. Taraji apologized saying, “I would like to publicly apologize to the officer and the Glendale Police Department. A mother’s job is not easy and neither is a police officer’s. Sometimes as humans we overreact without gathering all the facts. As a mother in this case I overreacted and for that I apologize. Thank you to that officer for being kind to my son.”

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