Is Victoria Beckham Pregnant With a …Girl?

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Aww, it would be so cute if Victoria Beckam had a little girl after three boys with huddy, David Beckham. Well it may actually happen because rumor has it Victoria is having a girl.

The pregnant star, who shot to fame as Spice Girl, singer Posh, wept tears of joy after her doctor said a hospital scan indicated she was expecting a girl.

She and soccer star husband DAVID had been desperate for a daughter to add to their three young sons.

A close family friend told The Sun: “David and Victoria are over the moon. This will be their last child and to be told they are having a girl is the icing on the cake for the Beckham clan.”

Victoria, 36, had a scan in January at the private Rivers Hospital near her family home in Sawbridgeworth, Herts, where medics were unable to establish the gender of her child.

But after a 16-week ultrasound scan nearly a fortnight later she was told she was expecting a girl. Posh then returned for a 4D scan and was told her daughter was healthy and developing perfectly.

The couple’s fourth child is due to arrive in the summer.

Photo from PR Photos

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