Fight the frizz

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Yesterday I talked about how I didn’t like Beyonce’s frizzy mane and today featured their best and worst frizz fighters. It’s like fate (lol). When I was younger I didn’t know how to control my hair. I still struggle with it at times. Maybe one day my hair would be nice and curly and the next it couldn’t fit through a door, that’s when I would resort to the bun. I think that a lot of products advancements have been done since I had my hair problems, but now I refuse to wear my hair curly. Like me, many women wish they had another hair type. I had curly hair and I wanted it straight. My friend with straight hair wanted more volume and my friend with wavy/straight hair wanted it curlier….we all wanted something else. I guess people always think the grass is greener on the other side…but I will never like frizz!!!!  Check out and their best and worst frizz fighters. Do you struggle with your hair?

See Beyonce’s hair here… Beyonce

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