American Idol‘s Stefano On Pia’s Elimination: “It wasn’t right”

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I am still not over Pia going home last night on American Idol and I believe that neither is Stefano Langone who was in the bottom two with Pia. Not only was Stefano truly shocked by Pia’s departure, but I  think he thought he was heading home and had come to terms with that! But Pia’s name was called and the rest is history! The entire judging panel was in a state of shock with Jennifer tearing up! People, we have got to start voting I am am guilty of forgetting to vote…maybe my vote could have saved Pia…one of the show’s front runners!

Stefano tweeted these messages…was he shocked at the elimination or hurt that it was such an uproar when Pia’s name was called instead of his?

I don’t even know what to say right now…

All I can say is it wasn’t right. And anyone that thinks they have a clue on how I feel or what I’m going thru as a PERSON, has NO idea…

Good morning everyone. Very very emotional night for me, for everyone I think. Jus want people to know I wasn’t upset about the reactions…

Of the judges and audience.

Or even what people are thinking or saying now. We create relationships with these people, closer bonds then people will ever know.

It’s jus super tough…

Pia did get much love from…Ellen DeGeneres, Tom Hanks, Jennifer Hudson and more!

Photo from FOX

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